Mike Ionita Explains How to Turn Your Passion into Your Own Business Career

Mike Ionita
3 min readAug 18, 2020


Many people think that being passionate about their job isn’t a viable option for them. They believe that you work to make money, and only the lucky ones genuinely enjoy the work they do. This mentality couldn’t be further from the truth. It is possible to turn your passion into your business career, if it’s something you really want.

Mike Ionita is an entrepreneur and the founder of Crux Game Designs in Vancouver, BC. He has loved animation for as long as he can remember. He considers himself lucky, as he was always encouraged by his parents to explore his passions and interests, even when it came to video games. When sketching turned into digital painting and digital painting turned into animation, he knew he had found something he loved. Ionita shares his top four tips for turning your passion into your business career.

Find Your Passion

First thing’s first, in order to turn your passion into your career, you need to know what your passion is. Mike Ionita claims that some people know right away what their passion is, but for others it might take some time to figure it out. The ideal combination for a passion is that it is not only something you love, but something you are good at and can excel at. Knowing the difference between a hobby and a passion is key, as they are not one and the same. Ionita urges people to keep an open mind when they are first trying to figure out what their passion is. For example, maybe you love painting but are worried about making that your career. Instead, consider what skills you have that make you a good painter. If it’s the artistic, creative aspects of painting that you love, then maybe something like graphic design could become your career.

Research, Research, Research

Once you think you’ve discovered your passion, it’s time to go into research mode. According to Mike Ionita, research is key to understanding what it’s going to take to launch a career in the field you’re interested in. Try to find out if your dream job requires any sort of qualification, such as a certificate, degree, or special training. Further, consider if the job is something you can do yourself or whether you might need to hire employees right off that bat. Also, is there any special equipment required to do the job? Another critical aspect of researching is deciphering whether there is a demand for the job you want to do. Mike Ionita says it can be a mistake to choose a certain career and only when it’s too late, realize that there isn’t really a demand for the product or service you’re offering. On the flip side, you also want to make sure that there ideally isn’t too much competition in the field you’re looking to enter.

Get Planning

Planning is vital if you want to turn your passion into your career, shares Mike Ionita. After all, your dream career doesn’t just happen overnight. You need to make it happen and the way to do that is by making a detailed plan of each step that will lead you there. This plan should include everything you need to do, as well as how much money you will need to invest in order to launch your new career. Ideally, create a back-up plan just in case things don’t go your way.

Mike Ionita on Being Flexible

Flexibility is crucial to starting a new career. Although you might have a very specific idea in your mind about the career path you want, if you aren’t willing to be a little bit flexible, you’re going to have a tough time achieving your goals. It is almost guaranteed that there will be hiccups along the way and you’re going to need to respond and adapt your plan based on these obstacles. Similarly, says Mike Ionita, you need to make sure that you’re open to feedback and criticism throughout the whole process. Don’t surround yourself with a bunch of “yes men.” Instead, ask friends, family members, or others in your network to provide constructive criticism about your business. Honest feedback is the only way to grow and progress.



Mike Ionita
Mike Ionita

Written by Mike Ionita

Founder of Crux Game Design | Vancouver, BC |

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